Monday, May 23, 2011

my mind is dancing happily

Today was a good day. Filled with small things. Small things that made me happy.
It started early in the morning when I got up early enough to take a shower and wash my hair. It happens too often that I can't do that on mondays. I usually crawl out of bed late and grumpy.

I actually made it to university. Another fantastic thing. I think most of you know that I'm not a big fan of going to university. I had Dutch (and after that History of the Netherlands...but I skipped that one...I haven't been there've never been there) and we got back our mid-term exam.

And I got 80 freaking points out of 100!!! 

I almost did a happy dance. This is amazing. This is the first exam I passed since october and I didn't study for this one. I hate studying and I don't do things I hate, that's why I don't study (that's logic! :P). And I was sick the day before the exam and I felt sick while writing it as well.
So 80 points are amazing (our teacher said everything above 70 points is really good). Take that, university! (I have a bunch of things I would like to tell university right now, but this would contain a lot of please just imagine it...or skip it and continue reading).
My day went on with me cooking lunch (a rare moment) and making plans what to do with the afternoon. There were a bunch of things I wanted to do and I decided to take pictures. I packed all my 3.5 cameras (the .5 is my cellphone) and went outside to carry them around for hours without taking a single picture. That's the only thing about today that wasn't great.
Instead I kinda went shopping. And I ran around in my new shoes. I love them!
Sorry, this pic is a bit blurry. Taking this picture included an acrobatic stunt where I almost fell from my chair.
I love them. They are so red and comfy and I can walk with them without looking drunk (I'm not used to heels and I tend to tumble even with flats...yup, balance is not my strength).
And then I found this book:
The day I swapped my Dad for two goldfish - Neil Gaiman (words) and Dave McKean (pictures)

I always wanted to have a book by Neil Gaiman. I heard so much about him. Now I own a picture book by him. And guess what. I got it for ONE Euro! One instead of 19,95. WIN! 
I already love this book. It's not the best picture book I know but the story is funny and I laughed a lot and look at the illustrations. Amazing!

This was my day.
 I like it when small things make me happy. :)

Btw, are my posts too long? My posts are pretty long at the moment and I'm worried that I bore you...please let me know if they are too long. Thanks :)

Ps: Thanks again for your comments on my post about the unfollowing. You guys are awesome :)


  1. Awesome! :D Good for you! Loooove those shoes! :D No, I don't think your posts are too long at all. I like them. ;)

  2. I <3 your shoes! I love espadrilles, especially high- heeled ones. I like heels, but I don't wear them that often. I want to try
    out stilettos... just to know what it feels like wearing them. Oooh, I'm blabbing.

    Neil Gaiman! Me, too. I've heard a lot about him, but his books here are pretty pricey. :/

    Nope. Your posts aren't too long. And even if they're long, that's totally fine. I like long posts! :D

  3. Small things are the best :) They're the ones that can make you feel happy throughout the day and sustain you for a while. I'm loving your blog.


  4. Yay! Sounds like you had a really, really great Monday. Do you have a particular happy dance? You could share it with us one Wednesday! ;) And, no, I don't think your posts are too long. I really enjoy them, all of them, short or long. :)

  5. Shaynie: Yup, this day was really good for me. Good, long posts don't seem to be bad ;)

    RiaRamona: Thanks! :) Neil Gaiman's book are not that expensive here, but they are hard to get in bookstores. I could order them from Amazon, but I prefer bookstore shopping. I was excited when I found the picture book on sale for 1€. Awesome!

    Stephanie: Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Glad to here that you like my blog :)

    Hope: No, sadly not. I don't have a particular happy dance. :/ Good to know that long posts aren't a problem. Most of the time I don't plan posts or think a lot before I write them (every time I tried that it turned out bad or I never finished what I wanted to post). I sit down, write what's on my mind, add some pictures (when needed), read it again to check the spelling and then I publish it. My way of blogging ;)
