Thursday, June 5, 2014

and I thought these dresses just don't suit me.

Here's something I tweeted earlier: 
I love dresses. I really do. But what I don't like, is wearing them myself. And that's where the problem begins and ends at the same time.

My confidence is very low when it comes to the clothes I wear. I have no idea what looks good on me, how to put outfits together and most importantly how to feel confident wearing them. 
I believe that a certain security with your appearance and style comes with figuring out who you are. It's way more important to figure out who you are and what you want to do. What your interests are and how to tell the world what you always wanted to say.
I know that, and still sometimes I try very hard to figure out my fashion style. And I make a lot of mistakes.
One big mistake is to wear what I think is pretty.
Nothing wrong about wearing beautiful clothes. But not everything you love looking at suits yourself.
I love dresses and skirts. They look so good on other people. I know people who can put on pretty much any dress and they look fabulous. 
That's why I keep making the mistake of buying dresses and end up never wearing them. Dresses are pretty, so I have to love wearing them, right? I walk into stores and see so many beautiful clothes and it feels like heaven...until I put these dresses on...

I feel extremely uncomfortable in dresses and skirts. 
It starts with the length. In my opinion 90% of all dresses out in the stores are too short. Some of them are actually too short (I like to be able to bend over without revealing the color of my underwear, thank you very much). Some aren't, and I'm just being paranoid. Which leads to another point.
I have no idea how to behave in a dress. Ignoring that I still put on Vans when wearing a dress, I leave the house and feel lost.

"This dress is ridiculous." "One tiny breeze of air and people will see my underwear" "Why is this dress moving up all the time?" "How am I supposed to ride a bike in this thing?" "How do I sit down? Cross my legs or not?" "I better go home and change..."

I feel a bit better in skirts for some reason. No idea why...
I'm glad that I'm starting to realize that dresses and skirts are not my thing. I walk into stores now and it still sometimes feels like I reached dress heaven, but I tell myself "No, don't. You know you're not going to wear them. Leave them on the rack". 
Knowing what I don't want to wear is one step closer to finding my fashion style, right? At least one can hope.
I currently run around in shorts, black tights, t-shirts and my beloved Vans most of the time. I'm not sure if I can call that's clothes and it's comfortable. So thumbs up! 

To end this post of fashion...or whatever this is...two things. A quote by the wonderful Hannah Hart:

Here's a point, kids. Maybe you've had a hard time finding your personal style. Maybe you felt pretty insecure about the way you look. Be patient. And be kind to yourselves in that process of discovery, because at the end of it, the number one message is to look at yourself in the mirror and say "You got this, dude!"
-Hannah Hart in My Drunk Fashion 

And a video, featuring the wonderful Grace Helbig. I can relate to pretty much everything in this video.

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