Monday, May 26, 2014

we're not looking for where we belong.

Again, it's been a while since I last posted something on here. In a usual manner I would start a massive rant and tell you about how annoyed I am by responsibilities you have as a grown-up, but someone sent me a message on facebook today that made me re-think this idea (you know, who you are).
Of course, I'll always stick to my blog title, that actually reads "scraps of old rants, whines and cries" if you take a close look, but in bad times like these (and this is a bad time) it's an even better idea to throw away all the shit and grab some candy. At least for a short sweet moment. To realize that not everything is bad.
So will all the good stuff please stand up? We're gonna have a problem here...grabs journal...

Let's start one day before I wrote my last blogpost. The day of the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Grand Finale.
What a night. I watched it together with Lena. Well, not exactly with her. She watched it and I watched it and there were about 7.590km between us. She got up at 3am just to watch Eurovision (it's called devotion). But she went to bed again when the voting started, but she predicted that Austria should win, but we won't, because someone like Sweden will win.
How wrong she was.
I bombarded her with emails after she went to bed. She probably woke up to at least 20 emails from me (not as if this has never happened before). Every time Austria got 12 points from a country I freaked out and emailed her (of course). In the end I didn't get that excited about 12 points for Austria anymore, I was more concerned that Netherlands would get too many points. So I started cheering when the Netherlands got a bad rating (their perfomance was the most boring thing anyway).
To end this Eurovision chapter, Austria won. Long live Queen Conchita Wurst!
I couldn't be happier. So many reasons to be happy about it.
And for all the Austrians who don't respect her: Did you notice that she speaks better English than all Austrian politicians combined?

"Did Jesus pay for our sins with cash or credit?"
"He used praypal."
(sorry, Tumblr jokes...)

The discovery of Boy George's Twitter account. Seriously. It's the funniest thing ever how he posts pics of his food and recipes all the time. Vegan food, of course.
And it made me listen to some Culture Club again. But 80s music is currently not my cup of tea. Maybe next week again.

me? and artist? no. im not an artist. im a drawer. [slides open]
(sorry, Tumblr jokes...)

I watched the Grand Budapest Hotel. First word afterwards "interesting". Which sums it up perfectly.
It was strange interesting, interesting interesting, fascinating interesting. All kind of interesting you can imagine.
Although I love symmetry quite a lot, I got a bit tired of Wes Anderson's obsession with it.
If you haven't seen it yet, watch it and get ready for a very interesting and weird experience. But don't judge it right after the Russian finishes his dance (aka when the credits end), because the longer you think about it, the better it gets.

*wakes up in the middle of the night*
me: please don't be 6AM
me: Merry fucking Christmas to me!
*shoves face back into pillow*
(sorry, Tumblr jokes...)

Crossroads Festival. A festival here in Graz dedicated to documentary movies. 10 days! Best thing in existence. I love documentaries.
Sadly I can't attend every single day, not because I don't have the time. It's more a problem of having enough concentration left to watch another three documentaries. It's really exhausting to spend 6 hours at the festival, with two movies and a long discussion in between.
My head was about to explode.
I'll probably go into detail about topics discussed at the festival in some other posts. For example I want to share what I think about people behind Monsanto and co. And other things, maybe.

That's probably about it. The key good moments of the past two weeks. Splendid.

ps: holes and holes in walls partially gone.

1 comment:

  1. We should have film festivals that normal people can attend in the states. But we just mainly have music festivals where people are rude and drop flagpoles on your face... However, that's where things like seeing and hearing Alex Turner with my own two eyes and ears happen so I will look past my stupid fellow Americans and give the festival another shot this year.
