Write one word over and over.
I don't even know how many times I wrote the word looniness on this page. I love the word looniness. It's such a lovely word. By the way, I put one other word on this page. It's somewhere, go find it ;)
Drip something here. (ink, paint, tea). Close the book to make a print.
I used yellow ink. Pretty result, although these things always remind me of the Rorschach test. The most ridiculous idea psychologists ever had.
Create a nonstop line.
I did this while Castiel was assbutting Michael.
Or for normal people: I did this while watching the finale of Supernatural Season 5. And I probably have to re-watch it, because I missed everything because I was too busy drawing a nonstop line.
i feel like the least creative person ever... thanks.