Where Is My Home?
Nothing matters more to a child than a place to call home.
– Brenda Donald
What happened with my home?
I don't know it anymore.
I had one long ago.
I split it into two.
I split it into two nowheres.
I tried to live alone, but lonely is so lonely, alone.
– Any Other World, MIKA
What is home?
Is home where your family is?
Is home where you spend most of your time?
Is home where you like to be?
Is this home?
What is it?
I don't know it.
Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.
– Robert Frost
I don't have one anymore.
When I come home
I want to go home
And there I want to go home again
But neither home is home.
It's all an endless circle of being alone.
Whatever happened with my home, I would like to have one again.
I can see your dilemma, but actually it is very cool to have 2 homes! I think, at least. ;)
ReplyDeleteI guess everyone goes through that. (I haven't yet, but someday I know I will.) When we leave the home we grew up in, when we leave the home we live in... Sounds really hard! But everything will be fine! :)