Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Video Wednesday - Antonia Gives Answers

It's wednesday. I love wednesdays, because I fell in love with making videos. I still suck a lot at it, but every time I make another video I learn something new.
This weeks is a Q&A. Thanks so much for all your questions. I got so many and it was fun to answer them.
There are two questions I haven't answered.

One question was what my favorite books are and I didn't answer this question, because it's one of these questions I refuse to answer ever since I can remember. It's just impossible to answer.

The second question was how I learned English so well. The reason for not answering this question is that I want to make a separate video about me+English. I have a lot to say about this and it wouldn't have fit into this Q&A.

I know the video is a bit long...and I'm out of focus sometimes...thanks you my camera :/
Enjoy! :)

Please let me know if you want me to do more Q&As. :)

There are also Vapiano restaurants in the US. Check out there homepage and see if there's a restaurant in your area.

The bloggers I would like to meet: Shaynie, Hope and Kinsey.


  1. Sorry! When I asked about your style, I was thinking fashion-wise :D

  2. I can't wait to watch this! I don't have a lot of time right now, so I will have to watch it later. :P I'll leave a comment when I do.

  3. That was cool! :D It was funny when movie titles were popping all over when you couldn't decide.

    I've been to Australia! Born there, actually. I want to visit or something. :)

  4. Aw, you want to meet me? :D :D I really want to meet you, too! :D

  5. Oh my lawd, I LOVED this video. So awesome! Love me some JGL, I'm happy you picked him. ;] Whaa? You want to meet little old me?? I would love to meet you as well. =)

  6. So we love a lot of the same movies and want to visit the same places... Are we, like, sisters?! ;) Haha! I think John is great "role model." :) I really enjoyed your video. And yes, I think you should do another one sometime. :)

  7. Natalie: It's okay. I'll include it next time :)

    Shaynie: I so want to meet you! I hope we get a chance to meet one day...

    RiaRamona: Thanks! :)

    Kinsey: Hehe, thanks. And yeah, I'd love to meet you.

    Hope: Haha, who knows, but I guess we're not sisters :P
    I'm glad you liked the video :)

  8. Nutella, Joseph Gordon-Levitt(which you said correctly), and Hitchcock= <3 :D lol. This was so fun to watch! Water is amazing :D… idk what it is with canned foods either… :/
