Thursday, June 16, 2011

I'm young. I don't understand young people. I don't understand grown-ups. I don't understand myself.
I don't understand life.
I don't what it's for. I don't see the point. I don't see the future. I don't see the past.
I don't see life.
I only know two emotions. I know happiness. I know hate. I don't know anything in between.
I don't know life.
I can't feel. I can't talk. I can't laugh. I can't cry.
I can't live.

I'm young.
I hate my life today.
I'll love it tomorrow.
As long as there's love it's okay.

Um...yeah...I had an emotional breakdown yesterday...
I'm kinda sorry for all the people who always have to stand me during these phases. And I'm also really thankful that they're there. Thanks. I love you :)

Picture taken in Italy. There will be a post about Italy. I just have to put it together...hopefully soon...
and I'm sorry that I still didn't get around reading all your blog posts. :/


  1. I love that typography picture, such an awesome song! ♥ I think sometimes we all just need to go on and have that breakdown every once in a while, I think it helps when we're going through tough times in life. :)

  2. Will be praying for you! Know what you mean though, I had a breakdown today myself, and it wasn't pretty. At. All.

  3. Ah, this is me in a nutshell right now. :| I know I'm not much help, but I'm here if you need me. *hugs* :)

  4. I'm sorry. :( I had a breakdown the other day, too. :(

  5. Kinsey: Thanks, glad you like it. And yup, I think that's true...not fun, but true :/

    Natalie: Thanks. I think everyone goes through this from time to time.

    Hope: You are always help for me. Whenever someone cares and listen to me it's good and makes me feel a bit better :) Thanks.

    Shaynie: I hate to have breakdowns and I hate it even more that so many people have them. Why?! :(
