Monday, June 13, 2011

Hello, I'm back and busy.

I'm back from Italy. I have quite a lot to say about my vacation, but not now. I'm tired and exhausted and there's nothing I want more than going to bed.
I planned to write about some things today but it turned out that when I came home I had to grab some magazines and a scissor to do some crafting. My brain was almost bursting from all the ideas I have.
I have so many ideas and most of them are impossible to turn into real things. There's always a reason why I can't finish or even start the project. Sometimes it's the lack of equipment and stuff, sometimes I don't have the skills and sometimes my ideas are that crazy that nobody could turn them into something real. That's frustrating.
It's frustrating to spend hours working on something and then you can't finish it because of some stupid things you don't have. There are so many unfinished things lying around in my room.
I don't know why I'm suddenly that crazy about doing creative stuff. I mean it's good, but it came out of nowhere and I almost do nothing else than creating collages, listening to music and write tweets and emails. That's my day.
And I don't know what my mom is thinking about it. I showed her my collages (the space one and the fashion one). She said "cool" to the fashion one and asked what space means at the other one (my mom doesn't know that much English...). Today I printed out a whole page full of alarm clocks because I couldn't find any in my magazines (about 10 magazines and not a single alarm clock?!). My mom saw the paper coming out of the printer. "Eew, who needs a page full of alarm clocks?" I need them and what so wrong about alarm clocks that she had to say eew? My life is not easy... :/
Okay...I'm just rambling here. Before I go, two pictures of upcoming stuff.

 A post about Italy. Picture taken by my mom.
More art. This collage of a room is part of an unfinished project. I hope to get it done by the end of the week...

I try to catch up with all of your blog posts tomorrow or Wednesday. I have to go to Vienna tomorrow and do some homework and on Wednesday I have to go to university and go back to my hometown again. So I'm busy right now. I just came home from vacation and I'm already busy...sigh...


  1. Yay! You're back! The internet has be boooring since you've been gone. ;)

    Ugh, I sort of know how you feel...brain going crazy with ideas or just the thoughts of what needs to be done...

    And your collages, I love them all! This one looks amazing, I can only imagine how it will look when you are done. :)
