Thursday, April 14, 2011

"You're going to Bratislava"

So I'm probably going to Bratislava this summer. Just for a day, but still.
I have this friend. Lena. I mentioned her a couple of times on my blog. She's a girl from Austria currently living and studying in Malmö/Sweden. We write emails like mad. It happens that we're writing 100 emails within 24 hours! (me 50 her 50). So here's what happened an hour ago:

Me: What are you doing?
Lena: Eating and planning your summer.
I thought it was a typo and she meant "my summer" (the German words for your and my are similar. mein and dein)
Lena: Yes.
Me: What are you planning for me?
Lena: You're going to Bratislava.
Me: WHAT!?
Lena: Yup. I want to go there and you come with me.

I really want to go with her to Bratislava. I wanted to visit this city anyway and I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun.
Our conversation went on.

Lena: I also want to go to Italy for a weekend. But I'll not take you with me.
Me: Why not? :(
Lena: Cause I'm going to do things you don't like. I need to meet new people, drink beer, cheap wine, discuss and meet dream guys :)
Me: Okay, no thanks. I'll stay at home.

That's Lena. Crazy girl.
If she says we're going to Bratislava it could happen that we go
a) to Bratislava
b) nowhere
c) any place other than Bratislava.
This girl has too many plans. There are days where she spends hours looking for cheap flights. I think her latest summer vacation plan is Cuba, could be different tomorrow.

Our conversation let me think about my summer. I have no plans. Not a single one. I had some plans, but nothing of these things are actually going to happen. Too bad.
As long as I don't have a travel partner I won't go anywhere, which means I'll stay at home the whole summer, because travel buddies don't pop out of nowhere.
I also thought about finding a summer job, but this is not going to happen either. I don't have any motivation to find one. And no, having money for vacation or a new camera is not a reason to be motivated. (depression, yay!)
So I have no idea what I'm going to do from July to October. Three months of nothing. Sigh.

What are your plans for the summer?

I have no idea why I'm writing this. I think I had to write something. It could have also happened to be a post about putting together IKEA furniture...that's what I did yesterday...


  1. Oh! That would be fun!!!! :D My summer plans are nil--read a lot, I guess. ;)

  2. Fun!! My summer plans are:
    -Audition for the classic Broadway musical, "Damn Yankees" and if I don't get a part, volunteer to work in the house {usher/take tix from people seeing the show} or working backstage.. I'm going to be involved in some way!
    -Our county fair
    -Go visit my Aunt in Baltimore for 1 week. By myself.
    -Hang with my friends
    I can't wait!

  3. I have an idea for you: Finish Friends by the end of the summer. ;)

    My plans are to move, finish school, get my driver's permit, study for my GED, and think about getting a job. Sounds fun, right? Yeah... ;)

  4. You're going to Spain for World Youth Day, right? That's a plan. :D

  5. Shaynie: Reading is always a good plan. :)

    Josie: That sounds like a lot of fund. I hope you get the part in the musical! :)

    Hope: I think I can do that. I bought season 6 yesterday. I'm excited! :)
    We both are going to have a lot of fun this ;) We'll get through it...

    RiaRamona: Yes, this was a plan, but I'm not sure if it's going to happen. I applied as a volunteer to work there, but they never got back and told me whether I can work there or not. So I don't have a flight or a room to stay. :/

  6. I have no plans... I'm thinking about staying at my brother's house every weekend or every other week or something, though, just to get the heck out of THIS house... I am getting a vacation right before graduation, FOR graduation, but I don't think that counts as summer yet :/.
