Friday, July 8, 2011

a challenge

I'm back /more about what I did while I was away later) and I thought it would be fun to join Hope with her challenge she's doing on her blog at the moment. It's a 17 days challenge and I think challenges are good to re-start blogging after a while.
Hope started it three days ago, that's why I'm going to post Day 1-3 here to catch up with her. You can find the list of things we're going to post about here.

Day 1 - seven things that sum me up as a person

  1. I'm scared of strangers, I don't like them and I can't talk to them
  2. I don't have the ability of smalltalk
  3. I'm a good listener
  4. I tend to like nothing
  5. I tend to ignore people
  6. I love to help people who are important to me
  7. I'm skeptical and I like to criticize

Day 2 - my faith

I believe in God.
That's all I can say about my faith. Everything else is undefined and not clear. I never know what to believe and I think it will always be like that.

Day 3 - ten likes and dislikes


  1. sitting against the direction of travel in trains or the subway. Some people say that they get sick when they sit against the driving direction, but I prefer it that way. It's much better to get pulled than pushed (if that makes any sense to you...)
  2. sitting at the open window at night. Looking at the stars, breathing in the fresh air, hearing the wind blowing through our giant cherry tree next to my window, listening to the night. It's magical. I do that a lot when the air is good and when there are many stars visible. Also in the winter when I have to put on two pullovers and three pairs of socks and cuddle into some blankets. I love it.
  3. journaling about the birthdays of fictional characters. I always remember the birthdays of my favorite characters I've created. It was Tim's birthday this Monday. He's 21 now....I'm weird...
  4. renaming names of subway stations or town names. Sometimes I shorten them, sometimes I give them English names...they all have other names in my head and I often think of them by the new name and I have to be careful not to say those names out loud instead of the real name. I don't want people to think that I'm crazy (is this possible?)
  5. going to museums. I love museums. Sometimes I don't care much about the art that's on exhibit, sometimes I prefer to look at how the whole exhibition is put together, how they worked with the light etc. And sometimes I go to old museums and stare at the beautiful architecture of the building.
  6. walking through the inner city of Vienna just to look at tourists and overhear some conversations and smile and laugh inside about how funny/ridiculous/strange/adorable they are.
  7. criticizing. It's not that I criticize everything all day long, but I like to criticize things like art, I can be extremely skepitical, rude, bitchy, whatever when it comes to art. And I love to criticize things people have written. I don't if you know that but I wrote myself for a long time and I went on writing camps in the summer. And important part of these camps was critique. And I loved it to criticize other people's stories. I'm not going on these camps anymore and I miss the critique. Oh, and I'm not a person who gives a lot of positive critique, which doesn't mean, that I didn't like the text. I think you always criticize the way you like to receive critique yourself and I can't stand it to get only positive critique. Once I said something nice about a girl's story because I absolutely loved it and she came up to me afterwards and said that she has never heard me saying something positive about a text
  8. smelling books. I love to smell books, also magazines, news paper, paper in general. I also smell books at book stores. I can't resist. It's impossible.
  9. heist movies. When a movie is about stealing stuff, you can be sure that I'll love it. Suggestions? 
  10. Nutella. 

  1. people chewing chewing gum in front of me. It drives me nuts when you can hear them chewing and their mouthes open and close all the time. 
  2. talking on the phone 
  3. useless critique/feedback. When I give someone something to read and want to know what he/she thinks about it I don't want to hear "Love it" or "That's good". Which leads to...
  4. people who never say their honest opinion and always try to be nice because they are scared to hurt someone or fear to lose a friendship etc. You can be honest without hurting someone. And people have to learn how to deal with critique.
  5. nepotism/cronyism
  6. when people eat smelly food on the train
  7. bus rides
  8. bad internet connections
  9. driving. It's more a love-hate relationship. I like driving deep inside. And I'd like to go on a road trip through the US.
  10. mushrooms

ps: I hope to film and edit my Q&A soon...


  1. Hehehe ;) I love seeing torist too.. When we go to Orlando (where Disney World is) they are EVERYWHERE! its crazy.. they're funny to watch too ;)

  2. Wow, your likes and dislikes are so thorough, haha. Nights are the best. I love the air, the eeriness, the calm... everything. :)

    I'm not the only one who smells books and such? Yay! ;)

    I tend to struggle with sharing my honest opinions. :/ At dinner I almost didn't tell my mom the veggies were too salty. I didn't want to offend her, haha. ;)

  3. I really enjoyed reading this, Antonia! I am a book sniffer, too. ;)
